Comment history with fadingcolorsx
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 comments
Damn, that's no fun. I've had that a few times. Have you been resting?
You have nothing to post about? Psssht. All you have to do is lurk my topics. I'll give you plenty to talk about.
Haha. I've nothing to post about. Except maybe poetry, but that's about it. I've been sick with a small case of bronchitis lately. -__-;;
I'm doing fantastic. 19 days left in this hellhole.
BTW, you should post more.
Ah, I see, I see. I haven't been back to Jersey in a while. But since I'm moving to DC pretty soon, I'll have the chance to see family.
How are you?
I don't live exactly in AC. It just happens to be the only metro near me that's listed, hah.
So how's Atlantic City treating you? I haven't been there in years.